2013/11/27 12:58:16 閱讀數(shù):1712 火爆孕嬰童招商網(wǎng)
1993年,“Royal Sonny”(中文譯名為“皇家寶貝”)品牌誕生于臺灣,并迅速成長為臺灣嬰幼兒用品市場的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)品牌!始覍氊悺荚趥鞒杏愘F族對于嬰幼兒高品質(zhì)的呵護和細致的關(guān)懷,為中國的億萬兒童,帶來更全面、更高品質(zhì)的呵護。涵蓋:哺乳調(diào)乳系列、外出用品系列、清潔護理系列、棉織用品系列 、精致禮盒系列、純綿內(nèi)著系列、嬰童外套系列 、童車座椅系列等。 2012年,為把更多優(yōu)質(zhì)母嬰清潔護理產(chǎn)品帶到中國,與廈門黛媚化妝品有限公司共同投巨資成立廈門安優(yōu)適母嬰用品有限公司,聯(lián)合制造“皇家寶貝”母嬰皇家級潔護系列:皇家植護嬰兒系列、植維新生初生兒系列、媽咪安選護膚系列。細分需求,專業(yè)服務(wù)。秉承皇家“5S標準”,以“天然、優(yōu)質(zhì)、安全”的NUS理念呵護母嬰健康。
品牌大事記 1993年3月,皇家寶貝誕生于臺灣,首創(chuàng)嬰童用品以藥房為銷售渠道載體,成創(chuàng)新營銷經(jīng)典范例,開場行業(yè)銷售模式先河。
In Mar. 1993, “Royal sonny” was born in Taiwan, it was initiated that infant children supplies were sold through the marketing channel of pharmacy, forming a classical example of marketing innovation, breaking a new path for the same industry marketing pattern. 1995年7月,1200家銷售網(wǎng)點遍布全臺,成為臺灣名副其實的行業(yè)龍頭。 In July 1995, there were 1200 sales outlets around Taiwan, it became the leading company in Taiwan worthy of the name.
In Jan.1998, “Royal sonny” entered the china mainland market set a general agent in Xiamen special economic zone, china mainland.
In Sep.1998, the first “Royal sonny” flagship shop made its debut in Xiamen achieved a monthly sales volume of 180 thousand for the single shop. In the same year “Royal sonny” entered the top domestic business circle-Shanghai
In July, 2004, “Royal sonny” china mainland online shops have reached 350.The sales distributions in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjing, Guangzhou, Chengdu, the more became better day by day.
In Feb. 2006, the company moved to Asahi Building in Xiamen, “Royal sonny” had its modern logistic center built up, opening a new brand operation path.
In Oct. 2010, the operation center with an area of more than 1500 square meters was put use, which is a solid foundation for a new marketing height challenge.
2010年12月,在國內(nèi)主流媒體湖南衛(wèi)視上投播廣告! 2012年,與廈門黛媚化妝品有限公司共同投巨資成立廈門安優(yōu)適母嬰用品有限公司,聯(lián)合制造“皇家寶貝”母嬰清潔護理系列。 ……明天: ……Future 我的愛、我的驕傲――皇家寶貝
聯(lián) 系 人:藍總